Tuesday, December 27, 2005

A Greeting Card from me to all of you.
I Love You All!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Wishing everyone a very
Merry CHRISTmas!!

Friday, December 23, 2005

You know it is very sad when you look around and see how much the government, and some people are trying to change the way we look at Christmas. And the fact that they are trying to take God out of schools is so silly. I am just very glad to know that at Stewartsboro, where Becca goes to school, that they have not taken Him out. When you walk down the hallway to her class there is a large picture of the nativity scene on the right, when I saw that I was filled with joy. And then at her Christmas program one of the songs they sung was about Jesus. It was wonderful sitting there listening and knowing that He is still at Stewartsboro. I just continue to pray that He can and will always be allowed in the schools.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

For those of you who would like to add the sign like I have above then please click on the following link. My daughter had this site on her webpage but I don't like half the stuff on the site so you may not want to look around to much. But the sign is pretty cool, enjoy.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Our continued prayers
are with John and his family.
We Love You John and Trish!
And we are always here for you.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Snow Days Prayer

A heavy snowstorm closed the schools in one town. When the children returned to school a few days later, one grade school teacher asked her students whether they had used the time away from school constructively.

"I sure did, teacher," one little girl replied. "I just prayed for more snow."

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Well I took the kids to the movies this weekend and had a wonderful time. On Saturday we went to see Harry Potter's new movie. It was really good, but you can tell when you are watching it that it is starting to not be for little kids that much.

Then on Sunday I took Becca to see The Chronicles of Narnia. Now this movie was a wonderful movie. I loved the fact that even though there are battles going on there is no blood shown. That to me in itself was amazing. Now days most movies show lots of blood which is not fit for kids to see.

I highly recommend taking kids to see Narnia. And when this video comes out on DVD I will most definitely purchase it for Becca and myself.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

John, Rich and I are praying for you
during your time of healing.
We Love You John and Trish!

Friday, December 09, 2005

~~Happy 18th Birthday Tuck~~

Time goes by as each day you grow
No longer a baby for me to hold
Today is the day that you become a man
A child no more holding my hand

Well today Tuck you turned 18
and I want you to know that
I Love You
And I hope you have a wonderful birthday,
my fine young man.

I will Love you forever
I will Love you for always
As long as I'm living
My Baby you'll be