Monday, May 29, 2006

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Hello everyone. I just thought I would blog a little bit since today is going to be a good day. It is only me and the girls today so we are all going to play dress up a little and have a picnic outside if it doesn't rain.
Saturday was wonderful, it is still hard for me to believe that Tuck has graduated, and in a few months he will be going to college. After the graduation we had a cook out at our house, my ex and his kids came, my aunt and uncle, and buddy and missy potts came over. Of course Jessica and my mom and sister Jennie came. Alot more people came to Ashley's than they did for Tucks but he didn't care he said he had a blast. My grandmother came with my aunt and uncle, she doesn't hardly remember any of us and she always ask the same questions, her alhzeimer's is getting worse but I am really glad she got to come.
Well I go back to the dr. tomorrow about my hand and I pray that he will say that it has healed and I will not have to have surgery on it. This cast is really been a pain in the butt for me, I can't wait to be able to wash my own hair without having to depend on other people to do it for me.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

I am going to attempt to blog a little, hopefully my cast won't cause me to mess up to much. I can' t believe I still have two and half weeks to go in this thing. I was really hoping to have this off before Tuck's graduation but I guess not. I can't believe today is Tuck's last day of school. It is just amazing how fast time flies by when it comes to your kids growing up. He came in last Friday wearing is cap and gown, and like a baby I started crying, I know I need to stop all the crying but it sure is hard. Two years ago we watched Ashley graduate and I cried then but thought for sure I wouldn't cry with Tuck. But I think I will probably cry even more. He is not my little boy anymore, he became my big man when I wasn't ready. OK enough of this or the kids will think I am crazy...OH wait I am....haha

I have invitations for all of you but I forgot to take them to church Sunday so I will bring them with me this Sunday.