Monday, November 13, 2006

Really in need of some prayers for some special people who are dear to mine and Rich's hearts. First of all please pray for his daughter Brittany, we found out just a little while ago that she has suffered a misscarriage. She is having a hard time dealing with this, which is completely understandable and Rich is tore up about it, and really upset that he can't be up there for her right now. So please keep both of them in your prayers. And also please pray for Ash. She had to return to the doctor today because of some burns on her back suffered from some medication the doctors put on her back last Thursday before they tried to give her some shots in her back. The doctors believe that Ash may be suffering from fibromyalgia and today they did an EKG on her and found that she also has some abnormalties of the ventrical in the upper heart. She goes this Friday morning to have an ultrasound done on her heart and then has an appointment with a cardiologist named Dr. Cuddy in Murfreesboro. I think I am more upset and worried about this than she is. So please just keep all them in your prayers. Thank you all so much and God bless you all.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Well it has been a while since I posted anything, it just seems like there isn't much interesting in my life to post about. We did find out that Rich's middle daughter Brittany is now pregnant and the baby is due in June. It seems like a dream almost when we think about the fact that Rich just now really got back into their lives, and then to find out he will be a grandpa soon with two of his kids pregnant. I love picking on him and call him an old man. LOL. I have some pics I will post one day that I have taken over the last couple of months of his kids, and Hopey at Halloween. The computer has been so slow that it takes so long to upload photos so hopefully I will have that fixed soon. I am looking forward to the weekend though, this will be the first time since Rich got home that we will actually have one night with noone at the house but us and the dogs. I definitely need at least one day to my self though, it seems like here lately that I can't seem to say or do anything right. So maybe this day without the kids or Hope around will help some. Well I guess I'll end this so that I don't bore you all to death. Take care and God bless you all.