Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Well thank God for answered prayers. As of right now it looks like Rich will be coming home tomorrow afternoon/evening some time. His mom is working on getting him out but since they won't release him till this afternoon he will stay the night in Ohio and come home tomorrow. Thank you all for your prayers, please continue to pray for him though, and for their safe trip tomorrow. Thank you all.

Monday, August 28, 2006

I am asking everyone to please remember Rich in prayer. He goes to court in the morning at 8:30 yankee time to find out what is going to happen and if he can bond out and finally come home. I would really love for him to come home but as long as they let him out I would be really really happy. We are worried that they may say that he has to stay in Ohio until his next court date which would cause more problems for the child support. So please just keep him in your prayers. Thank you all and God bless you.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Yesterday I had to go see my doctor who then sent me to see a surgeon. As the doctor was leaving the room he looked at me and said "God bless you". I never really realized just how strong those three words could be. With everything that has been going on I have had my struggles with keeping my faith strong. Well last night I was sitting eating supper and thought about what those three words "God bless you", and I knew God truly had blessed me and Rich during all that is going on. There are some people who are always checking on me and the kids, and asking how Rich is doing. And the thing was I never really knew how much that was helping me til last night. I even called up Trish and Heather and thanked them for listening to me and just being there for me and the kids and Rich. They have not changed in how they treat us at all. And Joy if you are reading this please thank Chad for me too. He always ask about Rich every time he comes to cut my yard, Chad would come in and talk to me as if what has happened has not changed how he will treat Rich when he finally comes home. And I realized God has put these people in my life right now to help me stay strong in faith and not give up. I love you all. I found these passages today and sent them to Rich in a letter and wanted to share them with you all also.
“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.”
Romans 8:35,37
“Saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen.” Revelation 7:12

Monday, August 21, 2006

The picture to the left is of Brittany (the middle child) and her boyfriend of 5 years Bryan, the one below is of Ashley (she is the oldest one), and the one at the bottom is of Casey (she is Rich's baby and has on the teal colored shirt) and either her half or step sister Nicole, all she ever said was that it was her sister and was taken last year in Tennessee at some caves the family went to.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Well its been a few days since I have posted, I haven't really felt like it til today. Ashley has moved back in with us, my mom sold her trailer so my mom and my sister will be going back and forth between me and my younger sister. Ashley has started babysitting at the house with me, and if things go as planned she will take over completely and I can finally stop and get a job outside the house. I am most likely going to get a job at a daycare again, of course I will still be working with kids but it will only be 8 hours a day 5 days a week. That will be truly nice. Well Rich is still not home, but it is getting closer to him finally getting to come back. Just please continue to keep that in prayer. He said he misses everyone and really misses the church. And poor little Hopey has been going around saying "Where Poop? Where Poop?", she calls him poop and when she ask that it really upsets me cause she doesn't know or can understand what is going on. I will post some pics of Rich's kids later if I can get them to upload right. Well everyone take care, and have a wonderful God filled day.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

It still amazes me the way God works. You all know what is going on with Rich. We found out a while back that his kids had moved and no body knew where they had moved to. Well Rich's mom had to go to Michigan to pay all the fines for Rich, while doing that she happened to find out where they were living at. She went and saw his kids and they are very excited to see there dad again. We thank God for this, cause we know that it is only because of God that he will be reunited with me again. I am so happy for him. Even during all this trouble we kept our faith in God and my faith has gotten stronger over the last few days. He has three kids, Ashley 22, Brittany 20, and Casey 16 going on 17. The oldest one is 5 months pregnant with a boy and engaged to be married. We also found out that they were all in Murfreesbor about a month ago, their stepdad had to come down to Murfreesboro to do some work and the kids and their mom all came down. We give all the thanks and praise to God, because it is only because of Him that this is all happening. We still don't know what the future holds for Rich but we know God has a plan and we leave it all in His hands. Please pray for Rich and his kids, they will finally see each other on Thursday night, he hasn't seen them in about 7 to 8 years. Thank you all for your prayers and support.