Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Well I'm counting down the days til Friday, I have finally decided that after 13 years of babysitting that it was time for me to take atleast one full week off. It will start Friday as soon as the last child leaves and will not end until the next Sunday evening when Hayden arrives back. I am not going to get to go any where for vacation cause Rich has to work but me and the kids are determined to get the living room and their rooms painted. I have realized today after talking to my friend Deann in Lafayette that I really miss her. I miss having a friend to talk to that I don't have to watch everything I say or worry about talking to someone and making the other person mad or suspicious, plus I don't feel like I am only a babysitter to her. I know that some of the parents I babysit for are friends to me but not like I wish a friendship could be. And I love talking about God with her, she is Catholic but she loves God like I do. And her youngest daughter will turn one on the 20th of June, her older daughter Amber and my Becca all share the same birthday so we are trying to get together one day atleast to celebrate all of their birthdays together. Me and Deann had met when my family moved to LaVergne in 1984 then she moved away to Virginia that same year and then moved back here in 1994 then contacted me, then bought the house across from me when I owned my home on Peachtree in Smyrna. Then things happened that I had to move and then she moved but we still try to stay in touch, I miss her and love her like she was my sister. Ok enough about this.
I will post some before and after pics of my living room when I get done painting, I am planning on a burgundy/maroon color with a glaze over it, and the trim will be in dark cream color. Becca is going to paint a tree and grass with flowers on one wall in her room, and then have butterflies and birds flying around on the other walls. I think her room will look really cute when it is done. Since we will have 7 days to work on it all we should be able to get it all done. Wish us luck.


Blogger Andrea~Erin said...

Well, good luck with the painting, I know how it is not to have any real close friends that you can just be totally yourself with & not have to worry about anything.
Oh yeah, I have a couple of spots open in my daycare so if you get any one you have to turn away, please refer them to me,
No infants, I am only taking 1 yr & up.

9:35 AM, June 16, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

I am so happy for you....You deserve that vacation!
Keep lookin' up- I have been there and done that. I have learned my lesson in the friendship department. I am just glad there are those that you CAN trust! (thanks sherry)

6:05 AM, June 17, 2006  

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