Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I am asking for a prayer request for Hope. She went to the emergency room Sat. night with 104.2 fever that would not go down, and they said she had a viral and ear infection. Well on Monday she was worse so Ash took her to Centennial Pediactrics and they said she has the Croup, which is a bad cough that can become serious. They put her on steroids but today she started running a fever and coughing worse. So back to the doctor she went, she now is on another antibiotic, and is suffering from ear infections in both ears, and the croup is getting worse. I am praying that this new antibiotic works and that she starts to feel better soon. She is not allowed to even leave her house except to go to the doctor until she is better. She is very cranky, and the steroids are keeping her from sleeping good. I am very proud of Ash though as since Hope got sick she has been right there by her side doing it all on her own. So please keep her in your prayers as well. Thank you all.


Blogger Andrea~Erin said...

Oh, poor thing. I will keep her in my prayers

8:33 AM, March 03, 2006  

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