Saturday, July 22, 2006

Hello everyone, I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend. It is so amazing to me the way God works in our lives, even when at first we don't see it. I have been struggling really hard with Rich being gone, but last night I came to realize how much I have stopped putting my faith completely in God.I had just finished watching a movie called "Second Chance" when I had the most overwhelming feeling come over me, I just started crying and next thing i knew I was on my knees crying out to God. Then it hit me that I had not been following Him like I should, I should have put all my trust and faith in Him when all this with Rich happened. But I didn't, and the thing was that Rich never stopped following or trusting in God. I kept saying that God had his reasons for this happening, but part of me was angry. Now I realize that now was the time for this to have happened, and last night God showed me that He was still there for me, He had never stopped being there, I just couldn't see that. Now I trust in God that things will be ok, I know now that as long as I keep praying and living like God wants me to then everything will be fine. Before Rich got arrested we would pray together at night, but with him being gone we haven't done that. But today when he called I asked him if we could pray together, and so everyday we will pray together even though it will be over the phone we know God will hear our prayers. I love God and I know He loves me, I just had to let him completely back in. Sorry if this is long but I just had to post this. I know there are people out there who think Rich got what he deserved, and there are those who are acting strange with us now, but I know now that those people aren't true christians. I know that Rich not paying child support was wrong, and we are both glad that he can get this straight now, but our true friends and christians will be there to pray for and with us. And support us in the hard times that are coming with Rich not here. So I want to thank all of you for praying for us, we love you all.
Rich has asked me to send him some scriptures for him to meditate on and share with his fellowing cell mate, so if any of you are led by God to a bible verse that you think Rich could benefit from then please email it to me at or post it here. Again thank you all.


Blogger Andrea~Erin said...

Hang in there God will never leave you or forsake you!

2:26 PM, July 24, 2006  

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