Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Grandpa took this pic tonight of our little clown and he wanted me to share it with all of you. Our little Hopey Clown. :)
This is a picture of Ashley's friend Ryan who is stationed
in Iraq, he is the one on the left with the hat on. He IM's Ashley and
I when every he has a chance to. He is on a mission this week that is
pretty dangerous, and he is very scared. I told him that I would ask
everyone I knew to pray for him. He has been there since before Thanksgiving
and will be staying until December. We have not been able to talk to him for about
a week now and so we can't help but worry about him. Especially since he is in the
infantry with the 101st airborne. So please everyone pray for him and all
the other soldiers who are over there.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Do you ever feel like no matter what you do some days that everything seems to be against you. This is one of those days that I wonder why on earth I baby sit, I love the kids and the kids aren't the problem. It's the parents, (and I'm not talking about you Heather:)) I mean some of them make me wish I never knew them. No matter the hours I keep their kids, no matter what I do for them, nothing I do is ever good enough. They act like I don't know what I am doing. I am 36 years old with 20 years experience raising kids of my own, and 14 years of babysitting. I thought I knew what I was doing but I guess not. I just pray that the rest of this day goes by quickly, or I will run out of tissue from all the crying.

Sorry guys but I just had to get this off my chest, and this was the only way I could think to do it.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Well it is going on 12:00am and I can't seem to sleep right now. I keep thinking about Tuck's football banquet that we went to tonight. It was really nice and I only managed to get a few pics before my camera went dead. And most of the pics didn't turn out the way I had hoped they would. I have posted the pics in the picture slide show I added to my page. I knew I would cry but I didn't think I would still be crying. Tuck has played football with some of these guys since he was 5 years old, and now his football time with the guys is over. I know they will still get together and play backyard ball some before they graduate though. But once they go off to college that is it.

They had a guest speaker tonight, Bobby Johnson, Vanderbilts head coach. He gave a really good speech, and spoke to each boy there. They gave out awards and of course Tuck didn't get any but we didn't think he would. Adam received two awards and one of his other good friends Cromer received one as well. I might try and write more about later but for now I will get off of here and try and see if Hope will finally go to sleep.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Sorry about the following rambling but I am not having a good day now. And I need some where to vent.

Well the doctor called today and informed me that I do have Celiac disease. I truly thought that they would tell me that I didn't have it, but when they told me I cried. I know I shouldn't have been upset about this, with what John is going through there is no reason at all for me to be upset about this. But I guess I am still just a baby when it comes to some things. I have to go in on Feb. 15 to have a biopsy done, they will go in and remove some of my intestine to see how bad I have the disease. I am praying though that it is only a small case, but I am still scared, especially when it comes to having anything put down my throat. With one vocal chord paralyzed I am very worried about anything happening to the other one.

I guess I'll end this now I don't want to bore anyone. Hope you all have a good day.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Rich's mom sent me this link in an e-mail and I wanted to share it with all of you. Most of you have probably read or heard this before, but this was my first time. It's No Secret!
Well how is everyone doing? Sorry about changing my blog so much but I am not happy with it at all. Hopefully very soon I will find one that I am happy with. I don't have much to blog about today. Rich's Mom and step-dad are coming down this weekend and are going to go with us to Tuck's football banquet. I can't believe this is his last high school football banquet, I know I will probably cry like a baby at it.

Maybe later I will have more to blog about but for now I have to go put a baby to sleep. So I guess I'll blog you all later.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Shelbie, Kelsie, and Hayden wanted me to post a couple of pics of them that I took this morning. So here a my adorable three little angels. :)

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Well it has been a hectic last couple of days here with all the sickness. Becca thank goodness is feeling better, Hope has an ear infection and an upper respiratory infection, Ashley also has the same as Hope minus the ear infection. I went to the Dr. today and was told I have sinus infection, bronchitis, and laryngitis, they told me not to talk for 24 hours. Yeah right like that is really going to happen. Now the one thing I am really worried about is Tuck, his right eye is extremely red and bothering him a great deal. He is legally blind in his left eye so we have to be very careful that nothing happens to his good eye, so I am taking him to the Dr. tomorrow. Ok now I sound like I'm whinning, so enough of that.

I had to get on to Hope today for taking a toy away from Hayden, for some reason she doesn't like him at all so she is always mean to him. I am constantly having to get on to her for picking on him. The reason I am saying this is that after I got on to her she stood there pouting so I told her to go play. When she walked away she went and put herself in time out, it was so cute seeing her do that so I took a pic of it to show her when she gets older.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I wasn't able to get on here hardly any yesterday. I had my doctor appointment, which I guess went ok. They drew more blood to test to see if I definitely have Celiac Disease, if that comes back positive then they will do a biopsy. I am praying that it comes back negative, that way that is one less doctor for me to worry about.

I am unable to talk this morning since my voice has decided to not work the way it should today. Please pray for me and my family to get better. It seems that everyone here is sick but Rich and Tuck. Becca has been up since 3:30 am with a stomach bug, Hope has 101 temp with a bad cough. Ashley is sick also, and I am battling a bad cough as well.

I hope all of you have a wonderful day today and try and stay warm. God Bless you all.

Monday, January 16, 2006

I can not remember what I had named this recipe. I came up with the idea for it about 10 to 12 years ago. You will need:

1 box chocolate cake mix
1 can Hershey's Chocolate
1 container of Chocolate frosting

You can get whatever kind of chocolate cake mix and frosting that you like.
And you mix the cake according to the directions on the box.
I like to bake mine in a bundt pan but you can use a regular pan.
After you mix the cake mix you will pour the mixture in the pan,
then open the Hershey's syrup and pour half the can all over
the top of the cake before you bake it. The chocolate will mix in as
it bakes. After it is done you will take half or all of the chocolate
frosting and put it into a bowl and microwave it just until is good
and soft. You then pour the rest of the chocolate syrup into the frosting
and stir together. Remove the cake from the bundt pan while it is still warm.
If you use a 9 by 13 pan you do not have to remove it, you can leave
it in the pan. Pour the frosting mixture over the cake and then serve.
You can garnish the cake by freezing a hershey candy bar and
then grating it over the top of the cake.
Lemon Ice Box Pie
This recipe is very simple, you need the following:
4 Large lemons
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 Vanilla wafer pie crust
Vanilla Wafers
1 small cool whip
Take the lemons and squeeze all the juice into a medium
size mixing bowl. You then pour the sweetened condensed milk
into the bowl and stir til it is all mixed together.
You then pour it into the pie crust and spread the cool whip
over the top of it. Crumble up some Vanilla wafers and sprinkle
them over the top of the pie. Refrigerate for a couple of hours
then slice and serve.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Hi everyone, Becca wanted to make a website of her own and I told her she could. Her blog though is not being published for just anyone, only for those we know. She is all excited about this, and she asked me to tell all of you about it. Here is the url to her page http://www.hopesauntboo.blogspot.com/ .

Friday, January 13, 2006

Can you guess who is who? I'm taking bets on when their babies are going to be born, anyone want to take a guess. I still you love you guys, bellies and all. :)

Hope you have a wonderful

day today!!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

? Did Mandy take her site down? Every time I try and go to her site it says URL can not be found.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Sorry about all the post today but I am posting some of the sites I use. http://www.angelfire.com/tx4/scar/Animate.html
Hope these can help any of you.
Here is a very simple recipe to try using Chicken Breast.
All you need is:
boneless skinless chicken breast,
small new potatoes,
and zesty Italian dressing.
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. While it is heating wash the chicken breast and then lay them in the bottom of an 9 by 13 pan. On top of that you place all the vegetables (you can add or take away any of vegetables that you like) and then pour the Italian dressing over the top of it. Cover with foil and let cook for 1 to 1 and half hours depending on the amount you are cooking. I have found though that if I use fresh carrots they take longer than canned carrots to cook, so if you boil the fresh carrots for about 20 minutes first they will be just fine.

I also have a wonderful and easy Chicken Pot Pie recipe I will post tomorrow.

glitter graphics

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Glad to see that you all would like to post recipes. We can start posting them tomorrow, and if it is ok with everyone we can do a supper recipe first. Then on Monday of next week we could do desert recipes. You can post it when ever you would like to. And we will let you slide on posting recipes Joy. :)

As far as the christian writing that I have on my site, I made them myself with some sites I use to use a few years ago. Any of you who would like to have the sites let me know and I will post or send them to you. They are real easy to do and fun to create. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me at
slbrumfield@bellsouth.net .

How many of you are tired of always cooking the same old thing? I know after a while it seems like there is nothing new for me to fix, be it for supper, deserts, snacks, and so on. So I am curious as to if any of you would be interested in each week everyone posting a recipe. One week we could all post a recipe for a desert, the next week for a supper and so on. Let me know if anyone would be interested in doing that, and if so we can start it up whenever you would like to. But then again if you think this is silly then just let me know.

Just hoping everyone has a wonderful day today, even though it is nasty outside because of the rain.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Ok now I would really like to know where the snow is? I know most people, especially Rich, doesn't like winter and snow. But I love it!! Everything looks so white and clean when it snows (atleast until it melts) and beautiful to look upon. I miss seeing the kids outside having snowball fights and building snowmen. I remember as a kid getting to enjoy all that. I can't wait to see how Hope likes the snow, and to see her reaction when she touches it for the first time. But I am beginning to think that might not happen. I know it is only the first week of January but most of the time we have a little snow flurry by now. I am just curious though as to how many of you like or dislike the snow?

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

I hope you have a wonderful
birthday :)